Are You Wired For Doubt?
by Nichole EatonSo maybe I can be doubtful…but, saying I'm wired for doubt is blatantly neglecting my balancing qualities. You see, I’m also fiercely wired for hope. I used to think hope was spiritual but hope is a cognitive process. Hope requires intentionally believing in a positive outcome. Hope demands you see the best in people or situations. Hope requires surpassing rough moments to know deep down there’s a way to move through them and out of them.Hope is power. Hope is transformative. And sometimes, so is doubt. You heard me correctly. Sometimes doubt is intuition telling you something is super wrong, even if you can’t put your finger on it. And you mustlisten. You must ask the hard question, what isn’t right here? And even more importantly, how can I change it or my perception of it? -
Don't Quit 5 Minutes Before the Miracle
by Nichole EatonThis is the very serious message, “don’t quit 5 minutes before the miracle.” Our hearts know where we are supposed to be and when we listen to them, we always end up in the right place. I think what holds us up is, on occasion, our heart-led path doesn’t appear the way we hoped. Maybe its messy or disappointing bursting with setbacks and roadblocks. But the good news is, appearances aren’t the best measure of progress. It’s rare to be able to see the invisible forces merging together to create a better reality for you. Without being able to see it, the only thing left is to trust.
Are We All Faking It?
by Nichole EatonIt’s not like upon meeting perfect strangers I’m requesting you delve into the fact you’re adopted, you peed the bed until you were 8, and your dog only has three legs. Super not necessary. But there is something to be said about what is considered common practice when it comes to making new connections. Authenticity is only fashionable in small doses, despite being the most heavily researched way to truly connect to another human. But what would happen if we didn’t have to fake it? What if at a job interview we were honest instead of pretending to be hyped about how much we LOVE excel spreadsheets? Would the earth come shattering to an end?Does faking it hurt us in the long run? Does it impact our ability to connect with ourselves if a good portion of our day is spent pretending to be a happily lit up shell of ourselves? Does it ultimately block authenticity and happiness? Maybe it’s just me but I’d love to know about what the best part of your day is. I’d love to know what lights you up. I’m dying for you to tell me a weird and random fact that makes you more human.
I'm Not Where I Thought I'd Be and Other Life Lessons
by Nichole EatonMy point is, I thought life would look different. And not that life is bad. I just had a vision I’d wake up and suddenly know everything there is to know. Yet, here I am regularly hiding out from specific moon phases and planets spinning backwards. Intention is important, but I think expectation can be harmful. Because when the expectation doesn’t arrive how you thought it would, you start feeling like a total failure. Like you’re the only one who doesn’t know the secret recipe to a sauce everyone is cooking. Click here to read more... -
How to Make This Year YOUR Year
by Nichole EatonI saw this coming. But no fireworks detonated when the clock struck midnight. Confetti didn't shoot out of the ceiling. Instead, I quietly put my kids to bed and fell asleep. But a flip switched in me, and I realized I’m done settling for anything less than exactly what I want. Out of life, out of my career, out of relationships, and out of myself. And that comes with consequences. It comes with hard conversations and loss. It comes with intense clarity and uncomfortable energy.But it comes with FREEDOM and TRUTH. Because to make true change you have to get uncomfortable. Like standing in the middle of the grocery store in your birthday suit uncomfortable. (Don’t actually do that. Unless, of course, you want to.)
Take Up Space and Stop Apologizing for it!
by Nichole EatonYou can apologize when you’ve hurt someone or done something harmful. But do not apologize for being a person with wants and needs. You can respect the viewpoints of others without shrinking your own. You can have people say bad things about you without believing it yourself. You can show up each day and try your damn best, and that truly IS enough.