It’s not like upon meeting perfect strangers I’m requesting you delve into the fact you’re adopted, you peed the bed until you were 8, and your dog only has three legs. Super not necessary. But there is something to be said about what is considered common practice when it comes to making new connections. Authenticity is only fashionable in small doses, despite being the most heavily researched way to truly connect to another human. But what would happen if we didn’t have to fake it? What if at a job interview we were honest instead of pretending to be hyped about how much we LOVE excel spreadsheets? Would the earth come shattering to an end?Does faking it hurt us in the long run? Does it impact our ability to connect with ourselves if a good portion of our day is spent pretending to be a happily lit up shell of ourselves? Does it ultimately block authenticity and happiness? Maybe it’s just me but I’d love to know about what the best part of your day is. I’d love to know what lights you up. I’m dying for you to tell me a weird and random fact that makes you more human.