The Comeback Course Video Six
Course Reflection
One word to describe my course experience would be:____________________________
I felt: _________________________________
The feeling I felt most throughout this course was:_______________________________
The feeling I felt most is: _________________________________
I found myself using most of my mental focus on: _____________________________
I’m proud of myself for: _________________________________
I’d still like to improve: _________________________________
The most impactful thing I learned: _________________________________
Scale of 1-10: How committed was I to myself? ____________________________
Set positive intention → Release the "how" → Find a better feeling/alignment
“The role of language is the agreement we make with our situations” – Robert Tennyson Stevens
Manifestation Principles:
• Accepting we are divine beings knowing the divine simply doesn’t lack anything.
• All language is CREATIVE
• Explore your set points within a manifestation.
o What’s the most you feel you’re able to receive?
o What’s the least you feel you’re able to receive?
• Play with being specific
o Being vague can manifest the wrong things but being too specific can block you from receiving.
Find a happy medium by feeling into each different manifestation
o Ex: If a server asks you what you want, you don’t simply say “food” in response.
Vague words to watch out for
▪ Want (implies LACK)
▪ Better (is vague, what does better mean to you?)
▪ More or perfect (what does “more” look like or what is “perfect” to you?)
▪ Improve (is vague)
▪ Stop doing “x” (Try to think of what you’d rather do instead)
▪ Would like to (Implies a future time but not anywhere close to now)
▪ Transform (into what?)
▪ Everyone or everything (who or what specifically) ▪ Different (what does different mean to you?)
• Use the term “this or better”
• Avoid“not”or the opposite of what you want
• Don’t share your manifestations with anyone that is doubtful of you or thinking bigger.
• Manifestation doesn’t have to be an exchange. It is not an either/or scenario.
• Identifying limited language is GOOD because its undoing the subconscious automation.
Be mindful to not manifest from:
• Despair–feeling like you have no one or are no one. This is a direct forgetfulness of your true source energy.
• Co-dependence–feeling like you can only be happy if another person is in your life or helps you in some way. We can co-create regardless of anything or anyone else. We can take our power back by deciding we are capable and powerful.
• Limitations based on what you think is possible or likely
• Settling–Manifesting less than you want because you do not feel worthy of more.
Steer clear of “lack” words like:
• I don’t know
• It’s hard
• I’m stuck
• I’m blocked
• I don’t know how
• Sure
• It’s a struggle
• It’s not working or It doesn’t work
Utilize Power language:
• I AM
• I DECREE (this is a law of the universe)
Strengthen manifestations through:
• Amplifying or intensifying feelings
• Visualization
• Manifesting in a high vibe location or surrounding yourself with high vibe things
• Listening to binaural beats while manifesting
• Specific crystals or stones
• Repetition or repeated writing
• Meditation and/or energy work
• Saying it out loud (bonus points if its in a mirror making eye contact)
Being mindful of language that does not get you to your desired outcome.
Examples of ineffective language
• Using words like "try"
• Using words like "hope to"
• Using words like "attempt to"
• Using phrases like I think it could
• Using phrases like kind of, perhaps, possibly, would like to
• Using vague identifications like they, that, this, it, or these.
Being mindful of manifestations that are based on a condition.
Something else needs to happen for this to occur. Another condition needs to change so I can have or feel what I want.
Examples of conditional choice language:
• I want_____so that___can happen
• I want______in order to feel________
• I want_______because___________
Deepening Your Manifestations:
I choose to receive love: (What does it feel like? Where do I feel love in my body? How often? What feelings accompany love? What kind? Giving or receiving? Where? With Who? For how long?)
I choose receive money: (How much? How often? What do my bank accounts ideally look like? Freeing you from what? How does it feel? For how long?)
I choose to receive happiness: (What does it feel like? How much? For how long? With who? Doing what? In what situations?)
I choose to receive success: (Doing what? For how long? How does it feel? What do I get from it? What does success mean to you?)