The Comeback Course Video One
Weekly Check In:
One word to describe my week would be: _________________________________
I felt in control or out of control: _________________________________
The feeling I felt most this week was: _________________________________
The feeling I’d like to feel more of is: _________________________________
I found myself using most of my mental focus on: _____________________________
I’m proud of myself for: _________________________________
I’d like to improve: _________________________________
Rate your week on a scale of 1-10: _________________________________
Scale of 1-10: How committed was I to self-care? _________________________________
Energy Reflection Questions:
Intentions for this week:
What I’d like to receive from this course is:
When I’m at my best, my energy feels:
I feel this most in this part of my body:
When I’m at my worst, my energy feels:
I feel this most in this part of my body:
When I’m around this person, I feel most like myself:
When I’m around this person, I feel least like myself:
These people leave me feeling filled up:
These people leave me feeling drained:
These places I feel drawn to:
These places I hate going:
My energy or mood feels better when I implement these practices:
My energy or mood feels worse when I do these things:
I feel addicted to this type of external energy or mood:
Universe Reflection Questions:
What I grew up believing about the Universe:
What I currently believe in (God, Universe, higher self):
Do I believe the Universe supports me?
What would I do differently, if I deeply believed the Universe supported me:
What stops me from trusting the Universe?
Magical occurrences that I can’t deny something bigger exists:
How the Universe Speaks to me:
Daily Practices:
When you notice you are in an old energetic pattern or addiction try this:
PAUSEà BRING YOUR ENERGY WITHIN àBREATHE àAsk yourself if you are investing in a new future or setting yourself up to recreate past circumstances and emotional states?
Some daily energy practices to try include (Circle two):
Saging/Palo Santo
Using Crystals
Connecting with Nature/Gardening
Dry bathing or Manual Energy realigning
EpsomSalt Bath
Intention Setting
Breath work
Working out/Movement