Limited Space Available

The Quantum Glow Up Retreat: Unlock Your Magic

The magic is already starting! You were led to this page for a reason! You’re ready to create a Quantum Glow Up in so many areas of your life. There is something bigger out there for you and you can feel it! You’re tired of struggling in your love life, your finances, your spiritual connection, your health, or your business.  

What if you could move out of the struggle and into the magic that life has to offer? We can show you how! 

Your deeper truth is that that YOU are magic! You not only are the creator of your reality but are also supported and guided on your best path by your higher power and the magical forces in this world.  

We are bringing the magic to Orlando, FL to help you to create the life your soul has been calling for! Join us for our second Quantum Glow Up Retreat: Unlock Your Magic October 4 through October 7, 2024. 

What is a Quantum Glow Up?

We believe that every possibility is available at all times, but putting yourself in the right frequency and mindset helps you access these possibilities quicker and easier. Helping to shift limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in the same patterns loosens up both your mindset and the way the Universe interacts with you so life can feel fun, magical, and easier. You've heard of an outer "glow up", but lets bring your energy and attention back to your inner world so you can clear out the past to find your happiness, fulfillment, and alignment right now.

Quality Tutorials
Clear Your Blocks

Ditch the dead weight of the past and any heaviness you've been holding onto. Reconnect with your truth. Release, forgive, and let go of anything holding you back from who you were always meant to be.

Become Your Own Boss
Tap into Your Intuition

Reconnect with your power as a creator of your life instead of falling victim to it. Re-decide you're worth it. Learn to tap into your inner guidance system. Reclaim areas of your life that have previously felt out of your control.

After Services
Manifest Your Deepest Desires 
and all the shit You want

Remember who the eff you are. Reconnect with your ability to co-create your life and decide what you desire. Lean into trusting both yourself and the Universe in an entirely new way. 

Welcome to the Quantum Glow Up Retreat

Welcome to The Quantum Glow Up Retreat, hosted by The Clarity Girls, Nichole

Eaton and Christy Forsyth.

This event will take you on a jam-packed journey to not only get to know yourself, but also learning to love yourself, learning to hear your intuition and connect with both yourself and your spirituality. Allow us to be your guides, whether you're on a personal quest to rediscover yourself, interested in supercharging your business, or ready to up-level your relationships.

Our retreat is designed to provide you with the support you need to take your life to the next level, with a tribe of like-minded, magical souls! You will be provided with the tools for creating powerful change for releasing blocks, tapping into your intuitive guidance system, mastering your energy field, creating the kind of life you are desiring, and feeling deeply (and Universally) supported as you do it.  

We pull from our combined 35+ years of training and experience as intuitives, life coaches, mental health therapists, energy healing, astrology, human design, and hypnotherapy to bring a unique experience that only we can create! It’s time to shine your brightest and take that next step on your path to your favorite version of you!  Get ready for a transformation like no other, and let’s make some magic together!  

Who Should Attend: 

-This retreat is for anyone ready to create rapid and powerful change in their lives.

-Individuals eager to move out of struggle and into life's magic.

-People feeling stuck and unsure how to break free from stagnant energy.

-Individuals looking to master their energy field to bring in more success and joy

-Those looking to attract love into their lives

-Couples wanting to work on themselves both individually and together 

- Entrepreneurs ready to level up their business.

- Anyone hungry for change but unsure where to start.

-Those aiming to manifest love, money, health, joy, peace, and well-being.

-Those seeking a stronger spiritual connection with their higher power and themselves.

You’re going to leave this experience with:

- A deeper understanding of yourself and the magic that was created within you.

- A feeling of being lighter, that your blocks are lifted and anything is possible!

- The tools, tips, and tricks to truly manifest your very own version of heaven on Earth.

- The kind of clarity of mind, open heart, relaxed body, rejuvenated spirit and regulated nervous system that utilizing high frequency tools and strategies provides.  

- A deeper spiritual connection to your higher power and the world around you.  

-A quantum glow up that has you leaving feeling like a better version of you.

Where we stay:

What's included:

Transformative Group Sessions: Focus on finding your inner magic, manifesting your desires, and co-creating with the universe.

Tap Into Your Intuitive Guidance: Learn to trust yourself and tap into your divine guidance. Discover and harness the magic within.  

Powerful Quantum Energy Sessions: Group energy and hypnosis sessions to create rapid transformation for all layers of your energy field: physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual.  

Quantum Glow Up: Transform your and Up-level your love life, finances, health, and overall well-being by releasing blocks to your blessings. It’s giving caterpillar to butterfly.  

Well-trained Guides: Access to 2 Intuitive Coaches and Mental Health Counselors With Over 40+ years combined professional helping experience. Nichole and Christy are here to pull from all their training and experience to help you to expand your life!  

Early Arrival Option: Purchase the jumpstart package to arrive earlier in the day on October 4th. This package includes a jumpstart session with Christy and Nichole, plus additional options from the add-on menu to tailor your Quantum Glow Up experience to your needs. 

Beautiful Setting and Magical Connections: Stay in a stunning home in Orlando, FL, where you'll connect with like-minded individuals and find your tribe.

Meals Included: With the exception of dinner out on night 1, all meals are included in the experience.  

Quantum Zoom Pre-Retreat Meeting: To get you ready to begin your glow up before we even arrive! Ask all the questions, let us know what you need so we can customize this experience to YOU!

Your Weekend Plan: 

  • Day 1: October 5th “Out with the Bullshit”: This will be a full day of identifying and clearing the blocks to your best life. We will focus on getting clear about who you are and what you want. You will learn to begin to trust yourself by tapping in to your intuitive guidance system. We will release stuck energy that has been stopping you from feeling more love, more joy, and being a conduit for love and success.

  • Day 2: October 6th ‘In with the Magic”: This will be a full day of working with the magic that exists within yourself and outside of yourself. You will be learning to lean into a higher power, connecting with your personal power, learning to trust the Universe and Yourself to Co-create an incredible life. Immerse yourself in the energy of new and better.

  • Add on our JUMP START option to arrive early, rest, and get a personalized individual session with Nichole and Christy from 11-4 pm on October 4th. This option has limited availability and includes 1 full year access to both Nichole and Christy's online membership. YOU MUST PURCHASE A JUMP START OPTION TO ARRIVE EARLIER THAN 4 P.M. TO THE HOUSE.  

    You can further personalize this experience by adding on a brief human design report or astrology report by Nichole or Christy that we can highlight for you in your session. You must know your birth time and location and provide us with this information at least 2 weeks prior to the retreat for this option.  

What people are saying

Meet Your Guides:

Meet Nichole Eaton

Nichole Eaton is has been helping people reclaim their power for over 15 years as an intuitive therapist, two-time best-selling author with her newest book Rock Your Comeback: The Down-to-Earth Guide to Reclaiming Your Power, host of the Rock Your Comeback podcast, and creator of the online community The Comeback Club. She has brought dynamic transformation to thousands of clients with her unique style that interweaves her experience as both a mental health counselor and an intuitive. Nichole has a passion for helping others break through blocks and reconnect with their personal power to completely transform their life.

Meet Christy Forsyth

Christy Forsyth has been a professional in the helping field for over 23 years. She combines her well-rounded experience as an Intuitive, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Certified Life Coach, Energy Healing Practitioner, and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist to provide a service she calls Soul Therapy, an intuitively-led life coaching experience. She is also the creator of the Clarity by Christy Membership. Christy uses her ability to connect with energy and Angels to help support people in creating their most aligned and joyful life path. She has helped thousands of people to navigate their spiritual awakening, master their energy field, and transform their lives for the better. She is passionate about helping people to deepen their spiritual connection, understand their intuition, and connect with a life that is filled with magic and purpose.

Come with a friend to save: Options from $1000-$3199

 Ready to Jump into your glow up? 


to get your glow up on

This immersive experience is exclusive and is built for those who truly are sick of their bullshit and are ready to take their lives to the next level. Space is limited.

Join This Experience 

  • Orlando, FL


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