Life's too short to feel shitty.

Let me show you how to uncover your favorite self and create a life you actually love.

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You deserve to know the secrets to burning bridges with your past, really learning to trust yourself, and designing one hell of a future.

Maybe you've checked off all of life's boxes but somehow you still don't feel

You have this nagging feeling you were built for something more, but you can't
quite figure it out.

Perhapsthe 9-5 is sucking the life out of you, and you can't imagine doing this
another 30 years.

Something deep down knows, its time to step into a version you actually
like...dare I say, love! 

Maybe you've been stuck in a relationship that feels like its defining your worth and
your future.

 You may have been feeling like life roles such as mom, wife, or even divorcee have
left you feeling like you're not sure who you are anymore. 

Here's the thing, you're not alone.

There's a way to find a version of yourself that you adore. There's a way to create a life that makes
you feel like your heart is bursting in your chest (in the best way possible).
There's a way to help you find clarity and confidence to make shifts in your
mind and make active decisions in your life that will leave you feeling like,
"Ahh...this feels so freaking good." There's a way to have a happier,
healthier, more powerful inner world. I can't wait for you to see that changing
your inner world, always shifts your outer world!

I'm a firm believer that it doesn't not matter
what life you've landed yourself in. There's always time to become your
favorite version of you, and I have 15+ years of tools to help you create an
even better life. I want to show you how safe it can be to listen to your gut
and trust yourself. I want to show you how genuinely important your thoughts
are. I want to show you how to play with the Universe to become the favorite.

I've curated several options from dipping your
toe in to going all in. Because every phase of life requires something


Here's how I can help

Work with me

Ready to take your power back and get in control of your life? Check out the different options to work with me!

Let's Connect!

Join The Comeback Club

From Your BlackHole Moments to Manifesting Your Dream Life...the club has got you covered. With courses, tools, guidance, and support every step of the way, we're here to help you make your Comeback Era fun, easy, and attainable. Oh and, Every course I've ever made, LIVE Q&A, Weekly Journal Prompts and being part of a supportive, like minded community for only $22?!

Check it out!

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ShOp the Magic and Manifestation collection

  • Self Love Era Softstyle T-Shirt
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  • Divinely Guided Softstyle T-Shirt
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  • Trust the Process Softstyle T-Shirt
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  • 11:11 Angel Number Softstyle T-Shirt
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  • 222 Angel Number Softstyle T-Shirt
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  • What if it All Works Out? Soft stylT-Shirt
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What People are saying...

"I am a thinker and have a lot of what-ifs, anxieties, and deep thoughts. I know every time I connect with Nichole that I will leave feeling powerful and in control. Life feels limitless and mine to own. Her impact is so strong that in my weak moments, I hear her voice in my head telling me that "you are THAT girl. You are fucking powerful. This life is yours to mold" She is a gift of light to this world."

Logan H.

I have been seeing Nichole for about a year now. The transformation that she has helped me to achieve is incredible. Her intuition is spot-on. She knows when I need energy work or to just talk and vent and work though ideas and feelings without judgement. Nichole has a soft, nurturing energy about her that makes you feel safe but she can turn it up when you need it. She assists you in seeing your truth and your possibilities and your potential.  Nichole doesn’t only heal and guide, she provides you with the tools you need to be able to help yourself; whether “real world” or spiritual. The healing continues way beyond the session time! I can’t say enough good things about her without sounding like I’m fan-girling, lol. I highly recommend  her services.

Krystee S.

I first was introduced to Nichole by a friend. I had not been feeling myself, I was stressing about money, relationships, work and on top of all of that my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer.   After she explained the process, Nichole said go ahead and tell me whats going on. So I dove in and the hour flew by. After that I booked 3 sessions right away. I went home that night and I felt like an elephant had been lifted off my chest. My family even noticed that I was acting like myself again. Nichole is truly amazing!  She honestly helped me work on things in my personal and professorial life. Nichole is not only easy to talk to but she also makes you feel understood and that some times it is okay not to have all your stuff together! She brings you back to reality. I still go and see Nichole, when I feel I need to check in with myself or when Real life gets to be a bit much. I honestly can't  put into words how much Nichole has helped me and how grateful I am to have someone like her in my support system!

Nikole W.